Monday, January 30, 2012


So last night I had a dream that I married Mr. Bates from Downton Abbey. (We saw a clip from an episode last night so it wasn't as random as it sounds. :) Anyways. It's super depressing to wake up after being happily married and realizing you are still single. And still alone.

Nothing else to say. Life is pretty much the same. I'm in nursing school. That's about it.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

True understanding.

Why is it when I see my 14-18 year old friends on facebook go from "being in a relationship" to "single" I want to like it?! Is it because I'm not in a relationship so I enjoy when others feel my pain? Nope. It's because yesterday they were professing their love for the other person and bragging how they were the perfect couple and tomorrow they will say something depressing about how the other person ruined their life, but the next day will post something about the leftovers they are eating for lunch. I don't get it. When does the true understanding of love and relationships begin?