Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I know it's been a long time since I posted, but I just haven't had the time. Life gets going and before you know it, a month has gone by.

Anyways. I got back from a two-week trip to Ireland on Monday (It was amazing by the way!!) and I just wanted to point this out:

They showed No Strings Attached on the airplane coming home from Dublin. I hadn't watched it because it was rated R for lots of stuff.

I didn't mind the movie. I thought it was pretty good and I really wondered why it had been rated R... It seemed to me that it could have been PG and been fine.. hardly any language, no "bad scenes," etc.

 So. I just looked it up on IMDb... WOW! They took out a LOT of stuff... I mean A LOT of stuff!! Language, dialogue, entire scenes... you get the drift. (WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THE MOVIE.)

My point is:
Why? Why do we feel the need to add all that garbage to movies? It was perfectly fine without all the "extras". I was shocked when I saw how much sexual content (even dialogue) was in that movie. And language? Is it really necessary to use the cuss words to emphasize your point?!

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