Sunday, February 13, 2011


Since Valentines Day is tomorrow... 

Love ~
a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.
a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.
3.)    a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.
to have love or affection for
to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person).
to have a strong liking for; take great pleasure in
to need or require; benefit greatly from

I think my favorite out of all the examples given above would be the "to need or require; benefit greatly from." I'm not a needy person, but I sure would like to feel like I need someone. That I benefit greatly from them being in my life.

What is love? Is it an emotion or a verb? Is it a feeling or something else? What does it mean to be in love?
I personally think "love" is used too much in the English language. ("I love this movie!"/ "I love Italian food!" / "Don't you just love this band?!")
I will admit that I am among the over-users, but there are times that the word love drives me crazy. For example, when you see two young teenagers (13-15ish) saying that they love e/o. They aren't old enough to get married, let alone truly understand what love is and means. Another example was included in the definitions that I copied. I had to delete over half of them because they took "love" to the physical level. To me, unless you are married, that isn't love. It's being selfish. (What can *I* get out of this relationship? What about *me*?)
I can't wait for the day "What can *I* bring to this relationship?" happens.

True love waits. 
 ~ You love someone so much that you haven't met (or just don't know yet) that you are already thinking of them. You aren't being selfish. You are bringing something to your marriage that is so pure, so clean, so perfect. God intended it to be this way. No heartache. I'm not saying I'm experienced or an expert on this advice, I just know how I feel about this. If you've read the book "The Princess & the Kiss" you know what I'm talking about. Yes, that is a kid's book, but it explains how I feel! I don't want all the riches in the world, I just want a man who values his purity as much as my own that he waits himself.

Listen to the song "Wait for Me"or read the book "Wait for Me: Rediscovering Purity" by Rebecca St. James.
They both explain a lot.

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